At Least We Still Have Basketball

zonecats 2015 Games Tagged

Seriously, what the hell was that last night? Losing 49-3 to Washington. This was possibly the worst performance of any Arizona football team I have ever witnessed.

There was something very off about this team last night starting right from the beginning. They seemed uninspired and did not really care about the game at all. Maybe the rumors are true and Rich Rod is leaving??

There really isn’t anything positive to say about the performance except that some players who usually wouldn’t play got some playing time.

With the teams left on the remainder of the schedule, this was one of those games I thought we could win. Washington has one of the worst offenses in the Pac 12 and we made freshman QB Jake Browning look like a Heisman Trophy candidate.

I know our defense has been decimated by injuries, but just giving up is not really a good defensive scheme. Let’s face it the 3-3-5 simply does not work. It hasn’t really worked since the RichRod era started.

We can see what the defense looks like without quality players like Scooby Wright and Derrick Turituri. In fact, I think without Scooby last year that team would have a losing record as well.

This in my opinion falls directly on coaching. Can’t Rich Rod see that this does not work? Is he too loyal to Jeff Casteel?

Arizona does not get the top quality recruits for this to work – size and speed are lacking in this 3-3-5 scheme and shows in every single game that has been played this season.

The offense was just as terrible. Interceptions, dropped easy catches and sacks kept the offense off the field most of the night.

Also terrible play calling contributed as well. Calling the same running play over and over was not working. Running Baker up the middle was a catastrophe, but they kept doing it all night. Albert Einstein once said the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Hmm… Sounds familiar…

I don’t see the Cats winning another game this season or making a bowl game. In fact, they don’t deserve either one of them. Only some type of miracle or crazy lucky play can get us a bowl game.

On the bright side basketball starts this month…

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